A.K.U.G.U.R.U. actually means 'I am a Teacher' (Aku guru in Bahasa Malaysia). It contains all the items related to my profession as a secondary school English teacher which includes my English lessons, my interests, my passion for Liverpool FC, and also my family affairs. Hope you enjoy your reading!

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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Normal Class...

A normal lesson is 35 minutes. 2 minutes are needed for exchanging class from J block to A block. Another 2 minutes are needed for students to stand up (they either wait for us to order them, or still outside, mainly at the canteen or the toilet). A further 2 minutes are needed to make sure the class is clean, in accordance to 3K. Now 2 minutes to make sure that all students (pupils, is what the Nazir wants us to address in our lesson plan) are in the class; not playing truant. 2 minutes more to sign the attendance book, because the class monitor forgets to write the day and the date, plus the names of the students who are absent for the day. 2 minutes are wasted for the students to take out their text books because they either could not find it, or mainly forget to bring it, which leads to punishment. Now the teacher wants to see whether the given homework is done, which will cost another 2 minutes for more punishments as they usually do not complete the task. Now can we start the lesson? Not yet, because a student stands up and wants to go to the toilet, but cannot ask properly in English, 2 minutes more wasted. Suddenly there is an announcement so loud, all ears are listening to that - 2 minutes. Okay, time for the lesson. A complete instruction in English costs another 2 minutes, because it must be accompanied with the translation in BM. Sadly though, before the students can start doing their task, another 2 minutes interruption - somebody comes and wants to see the Fire Brigadiers. And a further 2 minutes for the Police Cadets (why don't they come at the same time?). Sigh, hopefully now all can start their work. But no, they can't - they forget the instruction! Another 2 minutes down the drain to refresh the instruction the second time. Just as the students start their task, comes the dreaded Discipline Teacher Mr. Adli and takes 5 minutes for spotchecks. Yes, another 2 minutes to read the instruction for the third time, which leave me a mere 2 minutes for my lesson.

Don't believe? Believe it!

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