A.K.U.G.U.R.U. actually means 'I am a Teacher' (Aku guru in Bahasa Malaysia). It contains all the items related to my profession as a secondary school English teacher which includes my English lessons, my interests, my passion for Liverpool FC, and also my family affairs. Hope you enjoy your reading!

(The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of information taken from this blog.)


Type your question here and I will find the answer for you.

IT Savvy Teacher

These are links which teachers have to be accustomed to nowadays:

Aplikasi Pengkalan Data Murid (APDM)

Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS)

Sistem Pengurusan Latihan Guru (SPLG)

Sistem Maklumat Guru (e-Operasi)

Sistem Kenaikan Pangkat (e-Pangkat)

Sistem Salahlaku Disiplin Murid (SSDM)

Sistem Pengurusan Sekolah (SPS)

Sistem Pertukaran Guru (e-GTukar)

Frog VLe


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