A.K.U.G.U.R.U. actually means 'I am a Teacher' (Aku guru in Bahasa Malaysia). It contains all the items related to my profession as a secondary school English teacher which includes my English lessons, my interests, my passion for Liverpool FC, and also my family affairs. Hope you enjoy your reading!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

SK Lepan Jaya, Gua Musang

Teacher and In-Service Training

Last week, I went to a Web Page maker course at SK Lepan Jaya, Gua Musang. It is a beautiful school situated 15 kilometres from the Gua Musang city. This is only one of the many trainings I was involved with this year. Every teacher nowadays has to complete at least 7 days in-service training in a year. This is to ensure their development in many aspects of their teaching profession. However, not all teachers have the privilage to find at least 7 days of trainings, even throughout a year span, especially the female teachers. Even the male teachers will find it difficult to complete this requirement. Nevertheless, in theory it can be done, as long as the school itself is willing to conduct trainings for these teachers who just go about their routines from classroom to classroom. Trainings can range from a lesson in Microsoft Excel to harder tasks such as handling a database. Even a training on how to keep a file can be useful for the betterment of their service.
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