My Best Scrabble Game YetOne of my passion is playing board games, especially chess and Scrabble. Recently, I found Scrabble in the Facebook. Understandably, I am quickly addicted to it. Today, I played a game against an online opponent,
Hilary. It is to be the best Scrabble game I ever played. After she started the game, I trailed her very closely. Then I had 2 blanks on my rack. I waited for the chance to put a bingo, which came sooner rather than latter. I hit her with RATLINGS for 113 points, my best score so far for a single word. The reason I got so much points is that the word covered two Triple Word squares. The game ended with another bingo SPUTNIK which practically forced her to forfeit. Final score Hilary 311 points - Me 522 points.
Here are the moves (H for Hilary, M for me):
H: WAFT 20pts
M: AT, FA, OF, FOAL 27pts
H: EAT, WOF, EL, WEE 36pts
M: NEAT, EEL, NE 15pts
H: FAB, WO, GOB 27pts
M: GI, WON, IN 11pts
H: DIN, DIN 16pts
M: GIN, DIN 12pts
H: JEEL, JILL 46pts
M: NEE, VIE 15pts
H: AL, HE, AH 22pts
M: ZA, VET, ZEL 52pts
H: GOBS, WOFS 17pts
M: AS, AIM 12pts
M: QI, UM, QUA 47pts
H: QUAT, DOT 21pts
M: QUATE, OB, BE 40pts
H: OD, ROB, TORA 19pts
M: CH, ALE, HEM, HEM 41pts
H: THEM 9pts
M: CHE, TO, OE 20pts
H: RALE 4pts
M: AR, YA 15pts
H: OY, COO 20pts
SPUTNIK 102pts
H: forfeited the game