A.K.U.G.U.R.U. actually means 'I am a Teacher' (Aku guru in Bahasa Malaysia). It contains all the items related to my profession as a secondary school English teacher which includes my English lessons, my interests, my passion for Liverpool FC, and also my family affairs. Hope you enjoy your reading!

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does Your Personality Determine What Type of Teacher You Are?

My friend pointed out a very good website about teacher training. Not a very experienced teacher myself, I find that his ideas quite educating. I always starts as the Lawmaker myself; stating a few rules and types of punishments at the start of the year; usually in the very first class. But as the year goes by, I tend to take a more lenient approach, because I easily feel sorry for them every time I punish them. As a result, I lost control of several students in the class, even though most of the others still follow me obediently. However, to my defense, the other teachers also tend to ignore the very same students in their lessons, which clearly indicates that the students are indeed problematic and my approach is not to be blamed. Nevertheless, I feel sorry for them; I try to make them reason why they come to school but to no avail. I never ignore them completely; I give them the same task as others, but they never complete it. Now, it's too late to become the Lawmaker again, because they already know that I can actually smile, and I have to find other ways to gain control over them again. Finding about why they behave that way maybe the solution, but I hardly have time to actually go to their house or talk to their parents about their behaviour. Yes, there is a programme in my school where the teachers get to meet the parents to discuss their recent examination results, but it is hardly effective when you get to meet 35 parents at the same day or time.

Any suggestions?

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